Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Visual Arts and Writing National Awards Goes on a Resume

Visual Arts and Writing National Awards Goes on a ResumeNational Awards in Scolastic Art and Writing tend to be taken for granted when making a resume. A student with a visual arts scholarship at the local community college is asked to submit a resume for a writing scholarship at one of the national awards for writers. Yet, most people just don't bother to do this, which is a big mistake.One of the reasons why is that a person who has a visual arts scholarship to get into one of the most prestigious national awards for writers, such as the NEA or NEH, may be expected to have an average of a 3.0 grade point average. Most scholarships are awarded to students who will be doing intensive work over the summer. Not only does this exclude most students from the best scholarships, but it also tends to make them feel they are competing against many others for the same award.Most students at the national awards for writers level are also likely to take less than a full course load to fulfill t heir requirement to take the course. Those who do take a full course load often find themselves to be not as prepared for the course work as if they had studied during the year. This results in a higher grade point average and, often, better placement at the end of the semester.The degree awarded by a visual arts scholarship is just as important as the curriculum requirements for the scholarship itself. It is only as strong as the student who is seeking it. If the student has a work experience, academic background, or other circumstance that affects whether they have the aptitude to succeed in the school, then it must be emphasized to the student. It does not need to be highlighted as a reason for not winning the scholarship, however.Another reason why the visual arts and writing national awards go on a resume is that, in a school environment, these are the only awards that are given to those who excel in these fields. It is understandable that someone might have chosen to study vis ual arts if they had interest in this subject area. However, it may not be a wise choice to choose a profession that is not 'marketable.'If the student spends most of their time in a Writer's Field that is not 'marketable,' then the student may get a limited amount of job interviews in their field, while making only a minimum wage. In some cases, the student may not even be able to make it to interview, let alone be hired. Such is the case when the student was able to attend a large public university.A visual arts scholarship at the school may also go on a resume. The problem here is that the student may be making the decision based upon how the scholarship was 'guaranteed.' However, the money required to obtain the scholarship will often make it impossible for students to pay the tuition and the books, let alone even consider how they will make the money to cover these costs.On the resume, visual arts and writing national awards go on a resume should be highlighted as something tha t may have been possible with the skill and effort they put forth. It is only up to the student to show why the award means so much to them.

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